My first 6 Months in China


Hello, World!

I write this very short Post for two reasons.

  1. To celebrate an important milestone for me, my first six months here in China.
  2. To start to spread this Blog on Social Networks, hoping that someone will find it interesting.

Here you can find more about this Blog idea. Please, share with me your comments. Your suggestions are precious!

I wait for you to visit me here, in this charming part of the world.

Thank you all for your support!

Six Months

Six months already passed since that November afternoon, when I left Italy.

It was a sunny, relatively warm afternoon. Mediterranean light saying goodbye to me, at least for a while. A nice two-hours car trip from my hometown, Follonica, towards Rome Fiumicino airport. A trip along one of the most beautiful coastlines I know. I was lucky to grow up there.

It was not sad. Sadness comes when you leave because you are forced to, not when you leave to pursue an adventure. And China is an adventure for me, probably the greatest of all.

Rome Fiumicino Airport, November 24th, 2022

It was not so simple to plan the trip. China was still pursuing Zero-Covid Policy, and flights were expensive and few. I had to quarantine, once I landed in Hangzhou (see here to know more about this further adventure).

Goodbye, family. I was quite fat back then… in China I lost almost 8 kg within 3 months!
During the months before my departure, I tried my best to give a proper goodbye to my land.
This refers both to my homeland in Tuscany and to the land that hosted me because of my job (Northern Italy and Alps). This refers to Europe too, in general.
Here below a map showing my hometown location. Follonica, in Tuscany region, Central Italy. Florence (Firenze) is Tuscany’s capital. Pisa and its Leaning Tower are not far away, either.
My hometown. Tuscany seaside, Central Italy
Here some pictures taken during the few days at home before my departure. November 2022.
Follonica, Elba Island – Hometown Sunset
Homeland farewell – Punt’Ala, Elba and other small islands
Follonica, November afternoon. Elba Island and Corsica (France) in the background

Here a Mongolia Gobi Desert picture taken during the flight.

Gobi desert seen from above

Stay tuned for future Posts!



11 responses to “My first 6 Months in China”

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  4. […] However, today I go back to Italy for some time. I wanted to keep this habit alive, so I took with me the journal I bought on November 24th in Rome airport, when I left Italy to start my adventure in China. […]

  5. Daisy Ding Avatar
    Daisy Ding

    Oh I see. I didn’t click the option to save my info last time. Now it works, I just need to fill in the comment box.

    1. alessio.mencaroni Avatar

      That’s great, Daisy. Thank you for your feedback.

  6. Daisy Ding Avatar
    Daisy Ding

    Hi Alessio~ Welcome to China, wish you harvest bunches of good memories here!!!!

    1. alessio.mencaroni Avatar

      Thank you so much, Daisy! It is a pleasure to have met you and all the other friends!

    2. alessio.mencaroni Avatar

      Hi Daisy, you should be able to receive a notification for my reply to your comment now. Can you confirm?

      1. Daisy Ding Avatar
        Daisy Ding

        Yes ! But why I have to re-type in my name and email when I reply you via the comment?

        1. alessio.mencaroni Avatar

          This is a very good question. I will try to solve it.
          In my case, I am not asked to… because I am an admin, so I am already logged in.

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